Couple finds Shelter through The Salvation Army
Jeff and his wife, Ashley, were living in a tent in the woods outside of Walmart two years ago. Both had left home at a young age to get out of bad situations.
Jeff explains that when he got to town, the first place he was told to go for a hot meal, to get help, to get bus tokens to get around, was The Salvation Army. The couple has now been staying in the Bremerton shelter for the past two years. They attend church, make use of the hygiene center, and were able to get ID's to start looking for work.
Now, Jeff has a job and Ashley is going back to school to get her diploma, and the couple is expecting their first child. They feel they can finally begin working toward not being homeless anymore and leading a successful life.
They would encourage anyone in need of help to talk to The Salvation Army because even when things get tough if someone takes the time to go to the shelter and ask for help, it will get better.
"The resources here are amazing, the people are amazing," Jeff says.
Photo by Blake Torres